Top 5 Artists I'd Love to Cover in 2025
I covered a good amount of shows in 2024. With an urge to push and cover more in 2025, I've been watching tour announcements roll out and letting dreams get out of hand. Most of the shows I've shot have been in smaller to mid-sized venues, but I'm hoping to move up and take photos in more arenas or even stadiums this year. Here are the Top 5 artists I'd love to cover in 2025.

Weird Al Yankovic
I can't imagine a more fun show to cover. The last Weird Al tour was a stripped down production with more original songs in the set, so when he announced that his 2025 tour would be the full production with costumes and his hit parodies, my interest piqued to 11.

Elvis Costello
I'm a big Elvis Costello fan. I've seen him many times over the past few years, but I haven't leaned too hard on wanting to shoot his performance. With the recent announcement of his tour playing "early" songs in his catalog, and not knowing how many more years he has left in him to tour, I decided I'd love to cover his show while it's still a possibility.

My Chemical Romance
MCR just announced their Black Parade tour. Here in California, it's coming to Dodger Stadium. I'd like to try and push myself to cover larger shows this year. A task I find very daunting, but feel it's something I need to try. This is bound to be one of the biggest Alt-Rock shows of the year with a promising "once-in-a-lifetime experience." Why wouldn't I want to try and cover it?

Cursive was one of the first bands I ever shot and one of the bands I've covered the most when taking Tim Kasher's solo performances into account. I find them to be my gauge for progress as a photographer and would love to see what kind of, if any, progress I've made since the last time I covered them as well as compare to some of my earliest shots.

One of the worst things that could happen to me as a photographer, happened last year. My hard drive with hours of work and hundreds of photos became corrupted and I lost much of my work. Fortunately, much of it is documented right here on SPB, but it was still a rough loss. Amongst the photos I lost were my AFI photos. AFI are a special band to me, as well as to this webzine, and I would love to cover them again to kind of makeup for what I lost. I also feel I have improved since those shots and would love to see what I come up with this go around. While the band doesn't have a US tour announced yet, they do have shows lined up in other countries, so I hope The US is not far behind.
- Aaron H