The Best Singles And EPs of 2024
This year was a good year for EP's. So good that I had a hard time to limit myself to only ten entries. With pain in my heart I left stunning releases of this list. Releases like Faux Depart, Kryptkeeper, Step By Step, No Exceptions or Canteleu. Anyway, after firm but fair review the next ten releases are the best EP's or singles of 2024!

Assistert Sjølmord - Assistert Sjølmord
Static Shock Records
The best EP this year? Yeah, probably this one. It is so fast and angry that when those nine(ish) minutes are over, you’ll feel like you’ve had a complete work out. In a good way. Like Loren said in his review: “Short ‘n’ brutal, this 7” is a keeper”

Klint - Should be Honey / Sherbet
Goodbye Boozy Digital
On this single Klint combines egg punk roots with music from the roaring twenties. Although I would think this could and should not work this release is one to treasure. Really great stuff! It is different from what Klint usually delivers which made me say: “I don’t know if this single is something of a one time experiment or a more permanent change of direction. I would not mind if this is not a one-time project but something the band will return to in the future.”

Regarde - Nothing Again
Through Love Records, Epidemic Records
Regarde released my favorite album of 2020 so this release was more than welcome. These five well crafted tracks prove that Regarde belongs to the top of the current emo scene. Like I said before: “These tracks felt like coming home, like a warm bath. It is prime emo with a beautifully crafted warm production.”

Crossed - Vida Quieta
Zegema Beach Records, Through Love Records
Ah, Crossed, a band I once accused of releasing something equivalent to a sonic grenade (or something along those lines) and I meant that as a compliment. Well, here we are with their latest EP. On this EP the band is taking a slightly different approach to reaching the same heights of intensity. As I wrote earlier: “Some of the grooves remind me of the first two Norma Jean albums, but with shorter and more intense songs.” In other words: it is another interesting addition to their already impressive discography.

R.C. Sullivan - Masquerade
Shield Recordings, Engineer Records, Dr. Skap Records
Sometimes I am surprised by bands that I think I should know of. This band is one of them. They are Dutch like me and play the kind of hardcore punk that is right up my alley. Well, better late than never, right? These four tracks remind me a bit of Good Riddance or older Rise Against. A thought that keeps popping up when listening to this EP is it is too short. I want more. Oh well… I’ll have to wait a bit, I guess. What I wrote half a year ago still holds true: “Each time I listen to this EP I find myself listening to it multiple times in a row.”

Bankrupt - Feketelista
A recurring theme this year compiling this recap of the year is a band that I ranked number one in a previous year releases something new. This EP is no different. The band that released my favorite record last year is back with four new bangers. Again available sung in English or Hungarian (the latter is the one I favor). Again with good artwork and again with well written, extremely catchy pop punk. Highly recommended!

Patrol - Patrol EP
Self-released, Drunken Sailor Records
Got this sweet little EP when it was only released by the band themselves. Drunken Sailor Records recognized the quality and released it later as well and I must say: this band and this label are a match made in heaven. Patrol remind me a bit of Annihilation Time, with their bland of old school metal and punk. The big difference being they approach this crossroads of genres from a slightly different angle. Where I would say Annihilation TIme is a punk band playing with 70’s / early 80’s metal influences Patrol takes the reverse route. Great energy, great tunes!

Valtatyhjiö - Kuristusleikki
Sorry State Records
Got this EP on Bandcamp where I wrote: “Do you love your hardcore fast, faster or fastererer? I like fast music and this band delivers. Just WOW!” I’ve got nothing to add to that.

Rixe - Tir Groupe
La Vida Es Un Mus
A French OI! band that had a couple of raving reviews on this site in the past. It had been silent around the band for six years, so basically I had given up on ever hearing from them again. This EP is a welcome comeback and shows us a band that sounds like nothing much has changed in those six years. They pick up exactly where they left of. My only complaint: again an EP? Come on, give us that full length!

Call It Off - Screw Loose
White Russian Records
In 2022 this band released their Farewell EP and now they’re back already? Oh well, if they keep releasing music like this I won’t complain. Too much… These five well crafted pop-punk earworms have been on heavy rotation this year, so I am happy.
- Dennis