The Year in Onesheet Mis-steps

The onesheet is always a losing proposition. As a writer, it's a useful piece with dates, membership, discographies, and the like. However, along with those essential pieces of factual tidbits, there's the inevitable hyperbole, flowerly language, and attempts to be funny.
There are also a lot of trend-hopping, and we've identified five of the worst from the past year.
"blackened [insert genre]"
Yes, black metal is popular. That doesn't mean your band sounds like it.
"female fronted"
This sounds like an accessory not a band member.
lyric videos
Lyrics are good, but news they are not.
sending the same press release 3 times
Starting off with "in case you missed this" doesn't get you off the hook, it just suggests that we don't read our email.
reissuing year old releases to drum up news
It's called a second pressing.
- Loren