Feature / Music
2010: A Year In Review

January 3, 2011

2010: A Year In Review
2010: A Year In Review

Top 5 Newest Musical Discoveries / Obsessions

Hearing new music all the time can be both a blessing and a curse (thanks interwebz). New music can be good, and it can be bad; but being an obsessive (like myself) is dangerous when it comes to new bands and musicians depending on the number of releases and the rarity of those releases. These were the five new bands that I became obsessed with this year as a result of hearing their music (great, adding to my already large list of record collections)

1. Locrian

I was completely blown away by The Crystal World when I heard it, and talked about them incessantly to any of my musical compatriots who would listen (much to their chagrine), so much so that I had to reshuffle my top records of the year to fit the album. Hold on though. Locrian puts out records, tapes, and CDs with almost the same frequency of Nadja and Jesu (circa 2007-2009); so, catching up with their releases was difficult to do and rather overwhelming at that. Who cares, this band is great, and I want more, like now.

2. Planning For Burial

Here is another one that I became obsessed with this year. Luckily for me though, Planning For Burial only had one release at the time of my obsession kicking in, so I was able to track down the other release when it came out with relative ease. I also was able to see a live performance by them at relatively the same time, which was also great. Now, it is time for Planning For Burial to give me more (I never said that I was not a demanding obsessive).

3. Iroha

Similar to Jesu in some ways (not surprising considering that Iroha contains a member of Jesu and a former member of Final) but bringing different aesthetics to the table to create something their own, Iroha is sure to turn some heads this year when their new album drops, but hopefully it is sooner rather than later because the two and a half songs I have from them is not cutting it right now (though I know the new album is a doozy with a ton of remixes and such as well).

4. Sailors With Wax Wings

What can I say besides I was probably destined to like this band due to my obsessions with its related outfits (members of Pyramids and Nadja as well as others will do that), but their debut this year was more than a quality record; in fact you should go check it out right now if you have not yet. Hopefully, this is more than a one off project because the group could certainly take this to interesting places.

5. Airs

Their full length, Rainclouds Over The Remains Of Hope is such that it will subconsciously coerce you into putting the record on again and again (possibly they use subliminal messaging in their music hidden amongst the guitar washes). Songs from this record stick in my head for days and gnaw at me to put them on while in the middle of other records. A great way to get me obsessed for sure but seriously, this is a good record that people need to hear.


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— words by the SPB team • January 3, 2011

2010: A Year In Review
2010: A Year In Review

Pages in this feature

  1. Opening page
  2. Top 5 EPs of 2010
  3. Top 5 Most Anticipated Records of 2011
  4. Top 5 Newest Musical Discoveries / Obsessions
  5. Top 5 Reissues / Retrospectives
  6. Top 5 Splits and Collaborations
  7. Top 5 Cassette Releases 2010
  8. Top 5 2010 Releases We Haven't Had Time To Digest Yet
  9. Top 5 Worst Cover Art of 2010

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