Feature / Interviews
Wes Eisold

Words: Zed • Posted pre-2010

We could begin at the beginning, but isn't that a little too formulaic? Instead, let's begin right now, in the ever evolving present. Fact: you're able to read...assuming you're reading this. Fact: Wes Eisold sings in the snarly Some Girls. Speculation: American Nightmare is one of the best hardcore bands in recent history. The question: ever wondered what that Wes Eisold is thinking? The answer(s): continue forth.

ScenePointBlank: First off, what is your name and what do you do?

Wes Eisold: My name is Wes Eisold and I sing in Some Girls.

ScenePointBlank: How did Some Girls' signing to Epitaph come about?

Wes Eisold: It was pretty anti-climatic. Some members of Some Girls knew people at epitaph on a personal or working level, we were familiar with each other, and they were into the progression and band as of our last release, The DNA 7", and wanted to do a record with us. So we did and i'm happy we did because of the people I know at the label, i think fond of them, and Give Up The Ghost really wanted to do a record with the label and it never happened. Which, in retrospect, is a good thing because I would have screwed that relationship up.

ScenePointBlank: What is your biggest complaint with "Heaven's Pregnant Teens" and what is your favorite part about the release?

Wes Eisold: I don't know if i have a complaint that is a big one. I guess sometimes I think my voice is sort of crappy or boring but I didn't really know what else to do. There are a few songs I could do without too. I wouldn't change any of it because i think each piece or song or part or whatever is essential to what it is, but I don't mean to really dissect the album either. It's just a record, really.

ScenePointBlank: Has it become annoying when fans of AmericanNightmare come to Some Girls shows and "bring the mosh"?

Wes Eisold: I guess its more lame than annoying. Its weird too because mostly it is all on me in a way because its not like there are locust fans really becoming to our shows and being physically rude...they make up for boring heckling where as maybe AN people, and this you understand is an overstatement and generalization(because there are some wonderful people who suported AN too), tend to be the jerks in the crowd. But it doesn't happen too often really either. I'm not on a mission to tell people what to do or to control what their idea of fun is, but I do think it is important to stress that its just really fucking lame to act that way and to impose yourself onto others who don't want to be touched by your idiot body at a show.

ScenePointBlank: What can we expect from the future of Some Girls?

Wes Eisold: We just finished our first kind of US tour. We'll tour the places in the world where bands tour and maybe the US again. I'd like to open for a band this next time but it seems difficult for us to find a good band to play with because none of us want to sit through a crap band every night, that is besides our own set.

ScenePointBlank: What are your major literary influences?

Wes Eisold: I don't know, I mean questions like that, to no fault of your own, are difficult because if you really care about something it isn't going to translate to list form. Literary influences can be from things besides authors, right? I mean, I'm influenced greatly by widows out to dinner by themselves, eating slow and staring down or straight ahead, and I'm influenced by Genet and Celine', and I'm influenced by Rumi and Kabir, and Bly and Potts, and awkwardly dated beats, and interviews in magazines with people I've never heard of, maybe a kid waving at me over his Mom's shoulder while I'm hungover and jealous, all equally important literary influences I think.

ScenePointBlank: How do you feel about bending the truth in non-fiction or straight up penning some fiction in? James Frey (A Million Little Pieces) recently got in trouble for this, curious on your thoughts as a writer.

Wes Eisold: I think it is perfectly acceptable and I would argue that bending the truth through they eye of the author transcends the line from non-fiction to fiction. I believe for myself that all truth really is is a belief in a specific whatever at a specific time. There have been times when I believed friends of mine were going to kill me, and although it wasn't really true, I believed it at that certain time, and I would sure as hell record it as non-fiction. Other people, critics, have no business debating or opinionating on what is true or untrue in regards to what an artist sees as truth, because none of us have a clue as to what someone else saw or believed in a certain time. People take the bible as truth, but I don't believe in that. But we'd have a much harder time getting the masses or same critics who may have crucified and bitched about this Frey you mentioned to agree to that.

ScenePointBlank: Do you consider yourself a singer or a writer?

Wes Eisold: I'm not sure. I do think I'm a better writer than singer and in no way think I hold any talent in singing. Though I do also know I'm completely obsessed with the feeling and portrayal of words to the feeling of music.

ScenePointBlank: Do you find the negative comments (band related or personal) on messageboards and online in general to be hurtful?

Wes Eisold: It happens so much so it would be too much hard work to really care. Though I don't think that the things people say are the types of things people say about people they don't know in other fields of art or the world. Some of the clientele we are dealing with aren't really the brightest, they're the dimmest. But dim lights only last so long so I'm saving my sweat for people I care about.

ScenePointBlank: What are your feelings when you look back on AN/GUTG?

Wes Eisold: I feel detatched at this point, much like other periods and years of my life. I don't really remember specifics because it was such a fucked up blur, unless someone brings up something or whatever. I think we were a decent hardcore band and I guess I like the 2nd 7" if I had to pick one to listen to. For sure.

ScenePointBlank: What is the deal with the upcoming book "Deathbeds" coming out on Deathwish Inc.?

Wes Eisold: I hope it'll be out soon. I mean, I've been saying that for a while and I really have no idea. At this point it is just a layout delay because my end is done.

ScenePointBlank: Why did you decide to make the zine, "A Seatbelt Between The Breasts..."? Can we expect more of these styles of writings in the future? The disgust for hardcore that you talk about in this...is it aimed directly at hardcore or punk in general?

Wes Eisold: I made it because I wanted to let people read something I wrote besides lyrics if they felt like doing so. I'm going to do more, as well as make ones for friends' writings and other similar projects. this site, theheartworm.com will have info soon. As far as the hardcore disgust thing, I'm not sure what you mean. I like hardcore music. I think the writing has nothing to do with hardcore really, a few mentions here and there, and the commentary on it would just be as importantless as any other topic discussed or mentioned in it.

ScenePointBlank: What do you feel the progression is from the older Some Girls' lyrics to the newest, "Heaven's Pregnant Teens"? It seems there is more of a religious theme, with the imagery and lyrical content, why?

Wes Eisold: I didn't intend for it to come out that way. I'm for sure fascinated with religious imagery, but I think thematically the lyrical content focuses in on religion and its relation to other crutches, like love and drugs, that people fall into. Maybe its just that drugs and love aren't as intriguing as a pregnant nun.

ScenePointBlank: What's your favorite song you've written? Why?

Wes Eisold: I'm not really sure if I like any of them too much. Maybe a line here and there but I would feel silly saying a song was my best or favorite, I wouldn't want others to be measured next to it, or under it.

ScenePointBlank: It seems with your older lyrics there was more anger present (AN), but with the newer ones there's more disgust (SG). Why the change?

Wes Eisold: I was much angrier then, younger I guess. I thought less then because I was very much blinded by how upset I was with life. I just think about it too much now, but I'm humbled and scared by anger really.

ScenePointBlank: Does sharing bandmembers with other touring bands become diffcult?

Wes Eisold: It really hasn't yet.

ScenePointBlank: There were a few songs floating around online from a group called XO Skeletons, what was the deal behind this group? Can we expect more?

Wes Eisold: They were just some songs I wrote because I was bored and decided to write a few songs one day. I didn't write anymore because i didn't know how to without them sounding the same. But now my friend and I are making more. I don't know what the deal with it is really but we'll put out a 12" or something.

ScenePointBlank: What would you like to accomplish with the rest of your musical career?

Wes Eisold: I'd feel really dumb talking about it. Its for me anyway.

ScenePointBlank: Anything that's caught your eye or ears lately?

Wes Eisold: Of course!

ScenePointBlank: Finally, any last words or thoughts?

Wes Eisold: I really don't want to be around other people but I'm addicted to it I guess.

Official Some Girls website

Interview by Zed

Graphics by Matt

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