Sean: I wanna word this right because I don't want to offend anybody... people that you'd assume were the typical tough guy dude or might-be-an-asshole, you might pigeon hole and think they're an asshole, then you meet them. This happened very recently to me. I didn't think they were bad people or anything like that, I just wasn't sure. Then I met them, they were amazing fucking people. They let us stay at their house. To me that was awesome.
Scene Point Blank: If someone could get one message from your band, what would you like it to be?
Eric: Thinking for yourself, standing on your own two feet. Not worrying about what other people are doing. Just doing what you do. Not worrying about what other people are going to think about what you're doing. Standing up for yourself, standing on your own two feet.
Scene Point Blank: You guys have a pretty original sound, what would you say your main influences to create this different sound?
Eric: I think a lot of it has to do with the five of us have different backgrounds basically. There's common points where we can come together. But there's definitely a broad spectrum of stuff where we all draw different influences from. When our influences come together it makes something that sounds different. I don't think we necessarily try to sound different, we just do our own thing.
Sean: I think we've fallen into our sound. I'm sure it'll probably progress from where it is now. But it's not like we set out to sound a certain way. It's just how it came about and how it ended up sounding. That's us. That's Verse. That's what comes out of us.
Scene Point Blank: Have you started writing new material since Rebuild?
Eric: We haven't really practiced yet...
Sean: Officially since June or something.
Eric: Our writing process is the weirdest thing ever. You wouldn't comprehend how we do it.
Sean: It'd boggle your mind.
Eric: I think individually I think Sean and I have some stuff that we're working on.We haven't really come together and worked together on anything as a band. I know for myself I've been working on some new stuff and new ideas.
Scene Point Blank: It's just a matter of getting together and practicing?
Eric: Yeah, getting us together. We're kind of in a situation right now where we don't have practice space.
Sean: I have half of the record written lyrically.
Scene Point Blank: Are there any songs that you could let us preview, in terms of what they're about?
Sean: The record is going to be called From Anger And Rage.
Scene Point Blank: Do you have a label yet?
Sean: I'm going to say Rivalry just because we love Kyle. Hopefully he'll have us again. It's going to be called From Anger And Rage. The line where the album name comes from is, 'From anger and rage comes rebellion.' Basically, not just in the hardcore and punk scene, but anywhere, if you're pushed and pushed long enough and far enough sooner or later you're going to start rebelling against something because you can only take so much. You can only take so much oppression in the world, again, just not the hardcore/punk scene, in general before you fucking break and start rebelling. And before you start searching for something else that's more you. Not necessarily a violent rebellion but a personal rebellion. That's what it's going to be about pretty much.
Scene Point Blank: So is this going to be angrier?
Sean: Lyrically, probably.
Eric: Musically it might be a little heavier at times but definitely on some songs not so heavy. Definitely, overall musically, a more dynamic record.
Scene Point Blank: Still really melodic?
Eric: Definitely. That's my thing. Maybe structure wise a little more creative. Definitely instrumentally I think we've grown a little bit skill wise.
Scene Point Blank: So pushing the boundaries musically?
Eric: I'd get bored otherwise.
Sean: Lyrically, I'm just probably getting a little more personal this time around. A lot of things that I'm angry about with my feelings and with my life and whatnot. So it's probably going to come out on this record.
Eric: Hopefully we'll see a trend because with a lot of bands in the state of affairs in the world today there's just not really too much anger.
Sean: Shit's fucked up and everybody, well not everybody, but a lot of people are so passive. I wake up everyday and I'm not contempt at all with what the fuck is going on in the world or in my community or with my friends/peers/family or anybody. It fucking tears me apart. Hopefully people will start writing about that.
Scene Point Blank: It seems like in the 80s there was a lot more political anti-Reagan things. But today with Bush it doesn't even seem like there's much going on.
Eric: You're not. Musically you're not.
Scene Point Blank: Yeah, there's protests. But not much in hardcore.
Sean: Everybody's too busy waiting for the next fucking mosh part to worry about what the fuck is going on this world.
Scene Point Blank: Sometimes when singers talk in between songs some people say it's preaching. Then there's the opposite where people say it's helpful. What do you think?
Sean: It's inspiring.
Eric: I'd like to see more of that in the hardcore scene. I feel like it's at a point where, not even that having something to say is shunned, but bands don't have anything to say.
Sean Again, lack of substance in the hardcore scene.
Scene Point Blank: Lack of message.
Sean: Lack of a lot of things.
Eric: A lot of candy coated sugar pop ideas.
Sean: Badly recycled things too.
Scene Point Blank: I don't know if you've seen this site before, but what are your thoughts on
Eric: Retarded.
Sean: We looked at it once. Dave Smalley, good job, buddy.
Eric: What the fuck is up with that.
Scene Point Blank: You guys aren't a part of that?
Sean: Sorry dudes out there, but if you're punk, I don't know if you can be conservative. It seems a little wrong.
Eric: Dumb.