Feature / Interviews
My Dad Vs. Yours

Words: Vinnie • Posted pre-2010

Hailing from Ottawa, Canada, My Dad Vs. Yours is that obscure and awesome new instrumental band that you’ve been wishing to find and show off to your friends. Dense, beautiful, melodic, and warm, My Dad Vs. Yours is destined to become one of the next great post rock bands.

Scene Point Blank: Could you briefly introduce yourself and role in the band?

Jose: My name is Jose Palacios and I play rhythm guitar. I'm also a co founder of the band.

Scene Point Blank: How did you guys get together? Is there a story behind how you got your name?

Jose: Arturo Brisindi and myself started the band in 2000 with Phil Springall but it wasn't until Tom Herbert and Pauline Bejjani joined the band that we completed several songs that later became our EP, "Winning Hearts and Minds."

Since the band was a basement project for many years we never really finalized the name. It took several band meetings to narrow down a list of about 150 names. We decided on my dad vs yours because it was the only name we could agree on. It was a very painful process and it still kind of looms over us. There are a lot of people who love it and there's a few who don't. I've read several reviews where the writer will waste their entire space mocking it and have no focus on the music.

We usually get mistaken for a hardcore/emo/punk band and we still get requests to play shows within those genres.

Scene Point Blank: How/Where was the cd recorded? Did you have a producer?

Jose: The album was recorded in Montreal's hotel2tango studio. It was mostly engineered/recorded by Howard Bilerman and the remaining of the tracking was captured by Efrim Menuck. They don't act as producers which is rare in the music industry. Better yet, I wouldn't even consider them part of the music industry.

It was my idea to record there and it took a little bit of convincing to get the rest of the band on the same page. The attraction was that we would be recording our bed tracks on analogue tape, however, the recording went so well that we decided to do everything there. A lot of my favourite records have come out of that studio but mostly I admire Howard and Efrim's approach to recording and making music. They are very passionate and creative people so the thought of us getting fucked over never entered my mind.

The second track on the album was recorded by Phil Bova Jr. at Bova Sound in Ottawa, Canada and the last track was recorded by Arturo at his studio in church basement.

Scene Point Blank: Do you have a favorite song from the album?

Jose: My favourite song from the album is "In my arms we shall begin" because it's the first song that we've written that really communicates a certain emotion. It's probably the best song we've ever written and it means a lot to me because it came from a very dark time in my life. Others in the band really like track 2 for the structure and of course it's a rocker.

Scene Point Blank: Did you guys look for a label prior to releasing it or were you already planning for it to be self released?

Jose: Yes, we were looking for a label but not for the prestige of being signed to one. As any other band will tell you, we're broke. More importantly, incomes vary within members of the band so it's very hard to fork over lots of money to press and promote an album. A label really only needs to provide funds to press copies of an album and help you get on the road to play to new audiences. There's no need to get crazy amounts of money in advance and I don't really know what the attraction to being in debt is all about.

We were talking to several labels but with all sincerity, they all rejected us. We're not a band that will sell a lot of records and I think that's why they don't want us. Actually, an indie label in the UK rejected us because they thought we were "too marketable" to be on their label. That made me laugh for days and I'm still curious as to what he thinks is marketable so we can cash in.

Scene Point Blank: Are you guys looking for a label now? If so, which one(s)?

Jose: No were not actively looking for one right now. We do want to press our records on vinyl though so if a good offer comes along we might take it but right now we're striving to make our money back and hopefully fund it ourselves.

I think what we really want is a booking agent because booking shows has become one of the most dreaded things for bands. It's way too easy for promoters and venues to ignore your requests to play in a city because the general mode of communication is email. It's rare that you find a promoters' phone number.

Scene Point Blank: Were there any cds that were particularly inspiring or influential to your band during the making of the cd?

Jose: No, not really. We all listen to different things. I think the only band we all have in common is Radiohead. We like a lot of the bands in our city and we're baffled as to why they don't have cult followings yet.

Scene Point Blank: If you could play prophet, what do you think the future has in store for your genre?

Jose: I don't think we belong to any one genre so I'm not sure how I can answer that. We don't consider ourselves to be post-rock. Tom (lead guitarist) has a really UK indie style that just doesn't fit with post-rock and that's probably why people like our music.

Scene Point Blank: How has your tour been going?

Jose: We're at home right now preparing for a fall tour in the east coast of Canada in mid-October. Our tour in May was quite depressing cus not many people showed up but it was expected as it was our first outing. We've had some great feedback since then so who knows what the next couple of months will bring.

Scene Point Blank: What do you enjoy more, touring or recording?

Jose: I love both but not sure which one I like best. Touring is great because we get along really well as a band when we're on the road (knocking on wood) and we always improve in our live performances. The shows in May really took us to a different level and I feel there's more energy and excitement on stage.

Recording is also great but it can get pretty intense because there are so many opinions being thrown around and someone's feelings always get hurt. Recording is a much more final thing than touring. You can't record an album twice but you can always play another show or go on another tour.

Scene Point Blank: Any chance of coming to the states any time soon?

Jose: We really want to travel along the west coast of the US and Canada. We have a lot of people who have written to us that are from there and we get requests to tour as well. However, like I said earlier, we're broke and we're taking little baby steps. It's a pain to cross the border and play shows unless you have a working visa and those cost over $1000 US.

Scene Point Blank: Which bands are most exciting to you at the moment?

Jose: I recently bought the Deerhoof record that was released last year. That's about it though. I think the Arcade Fire are the most exciting band out there because they have the potential to reach a wider audience and still write great songs. Other than them I'm not sure who else has people's anticipation.

Scene Point Blank: If you could tour with any 3 bands, who would they be?

Jose: I'm not going to lie to you, we would love to tour with Radiohead. Actually, we'll settle as roadies. I really like Isan as well so it would be nice to open for them. Oh, Morrisey and the Smiths if they ever reunite but that is highly unlikely just like any of the people I've mentioned so far. We'll tour with whoever takes us. We're that eager to travel and play music.

Scene Point Blank: You have the power to break up a band, who would it be?

Jose: I'm not sure that I should answer this.

Scene Point Blank: What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Jose: We really want to make some money to press our album on vinyl. We are currently starting to work on new songs so the next album is in the works. We plan to play a lot more shows in Canada and hopefully the US.

Scene Point Blank: If you could map out the future of your band right now, what would it look like?

Jose: Write good songs -> make good albums -> travel and play live -> Are you sure you want to restart now?

Scene Point Blank: Any parting words?

Jose: If you're a promoter/booking agent in North & South America, Europe, Asia, Middle East etc. please get in touch with us. [email protected]

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