Feature / Interviews
La Dispute / Native

Words: Chad Raynard • February 1, 2012

La Dispute / Native
La Dispute / Native


We sat down with Michigan-based post-hardcore band La Dispute to chat to singer Jordan about touring, new albums and split releases.

Scene Point Blank: So you guys are almost finished this current tour which you've headlined. How's that gone?

Jordan Dreyer: It's gone amazing, the shows are really great. We got to travel with three of our best friends, and watch them play as a band. It’s been pretty unreal. 

Scene Point Blank: It's a big line up, have you felt any added pressure this tour?

Jordan Dreyer: Ah no, you know, doesn't even really feel like we are headlining it to me. It feels like we're all kind of co headlining it, ‘cause you know, they're all good friends of ours. I don't think I felt any pressure at all anyways. It's been pretty easy going.

Scene Point Blank: Any speed bumps along this way this tour?

Jordan Dreyer: No, not really. We had a flat tire on our trailer but other than that. That's been the worst thing that has happened to us. 

Scene Point Blank: You just released an EP with Koji, how did that whole thing come about?

Jordan Dreyer: Uh, we got to be pretty good friends with Koji a couple years back. Actually his manager is a friend of ours who books shows, in Michigan, so we got to meet Koji through him. And we kind of hit it off pretty quickly because we have pretty similar ideologies, so it was a pretty fast friendship. And we have a lot of respect for what he does and he has the same respect for us so it made sense to do something together.


Scene Point Blank: Was the EP recorded separately or was there any interaction between you guys?

Jordan Dreyer: Completely separately other than brad, our drummer helped out a lot on production and playing other instruments for Koji, but he recorded in Chicago and we recorded in New York so it was pretty separate. 

Scene Point Blank: It's been over two years since your last full length, were you anxious at all to get another one out there?

Jordan Dreyer: Yeah, anxious and a little nervous. It's a big under taking, especially going three years without having done anything that substantial. We're pretty excited about it. 

Scene Point Blank: You guys finished up the new album before you started this tour, how did the proccess go?

Jordan Dreyer: Really really well, stressful and exhausting. We did two recording sessions; we recorded in Chicago in the fall, and got some things done. We went back this past month and finished the songs we had started and finished the ones we wrote after the first sessions. So it went really well, we're all really happy with it. 

Scene Point Blank: You said on your site the new album is different, what is so different about it?

Jordan Dreyer: I think it's inevitably different. It's been roughly two and a half years since our last release so we've all grown a lot, we're basically a new group. The bands we play with, the things we've seen change who you are as a person and shift your direction as well. It's still familiar, it's not like we're a whole new band. It’s still the five of us right but a lot of the time it has that effect.

Scene Point Blank: Do you have a favorite song off the new album?

Jordan Dreyer: I'm pretty happy with every one, it's one of those things where you just got done and we went on this tour so we haven't really had time to let it all sink in.

La Dispute / Native
La Dispute / Native

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