Feature / Interviews
Fortunate Son

Words: Zed • Posted pre-2010

Remember that time you forgot to wear a condom and you accidentally impregnated your second cousin? Remember the time you were so late to work by the time you got there Starbucks owned the building? While that last "remember when" assumed you weren't already working for Starbucks, this type of nostalgia that we are experiencing is concurrent to the condition of this interview. I got the answers you are about to read from Joe back in October. "Boo," you might think, but no, the correct thought is, "Hooray," because Fortunate Son are the shit. The shit is very different from plain ol' shit, evident in the rocking Suicide File influenced hardcore sound to the pertinent lyrics. So even if I was late on "publishing" this interview, you're going to listen to Fortunate Son and either: be reminded why you like them or initiate a monologue consisting of a solo ass kicking and a self scolding for sleeping on them.

ScenePointBlank: What's your name and what do you do in Fortunate Son?

Joe: I'm Joe/Vocals.

ScenePointBlank: What does "Fortunate Son" mean?

Joe: It's a Creedence Clearwater Revival song that, we thought, sums up every conflict that this country embroils itself in. The poor fight the wars of the rich. I suggest anyone that's into rock music at all check out CCR or John Fogerty. The lyrics and subject matter might seem pretty static nowadays, but back then it was some revolutionary thinking.

ScenePointBlank: What's your process of writing lyrics? How do you decide what to write a song about?

Joe: I always write about things that are personal to me. Derek and I share lyrical responsibility in a band. we think a lot alike so most songs come to fruition by me say, "Hey, what should this song be about?" and him responding with what's on his mind. I think that's why our lyrics cover a pretty wide subject range.

ScenePointBlank: If someone could get one message from your band, what would you like it to be?

Joe: That we're not trying to be original, or groundbreaking, but that we have something to say and we want to be heard.

ScenePointBlank: Thoughts on the war in Iraq?

Joe: I think it's needless and a war of spite and revenge. 18-year-olds that've never seen places outside of the towns they were raised in are fighting against an army that's been trained and conditioned to believe that dying in battle secures a place for them in paradise. This government is trying to secure democracy in a country that's been ravaged by an absolute dictatorship and we just expected it's citizens the greet us with open arms. And somehow, this country re-elected a man that threw it's children in front of a firing squad.

ScenePointBlank: Because you share members with other bands and have a bunch of ex-members, does this help or hinder you guys?

Joe: It's done both. We've gotten the chance to tour with 7 Generations and Final Fight, so it's convenient and we're all close friends. It does hinder when one of our bands tours on it's own, though.

ScenePointBlank: How did you guys get hooked up with High Fidelity for the release of your 7"?

Joe: A close friend and roommate of mine, Chris, sang for a band from L.A. called AD. They've broken up recently, but Frank (High Fidelity) released an EP for them and it did great. Chris sent him a copy of our demo and Frank was right on it, pushing to do a release for us. He's been awesome!

ScenePointBlank: If you could do a split with any band, what band would it be?

Joe: I think it differs from member to member, but personally I'd love to do a split with Ceremony or Dead Hearts.

ScenePointBlank: Out of recording, practicing and playing shows, what's your favorite? Why?

Joe: Playing shows is my favorite, followed closely by recording. Obviously, playing shows is a really unique experience. For me personally, when I'm on stage and in the moment, I don't really feel or think about anything. It's 20-30 minutes that are just for me and no one can infringe on it. It sounds pretty selfish, but it's "my time" so to speak. Recording is a blast because our best stuff comes out right there in the studio. New lyrics, new parts for songs, adjusting this, taking this out. It's where, i think, we become the most stoked on the music we've written.

ScenePointBlank: If you could describe Fortunate Son using one fruit, one cataclysmic event and one emoticon, what would they be?

Joe: Sour apple, the bubonic plague, and 8-D

ScenePointBlank: Do you have any upcoming tours/shows?

Joe: We just got done doing some shows with Crime in Stereo and Dead Hearts. Our next tour will most likely be up the West Coast in march.

ScenePointBlank: Have you guys started working on a next release? If so, what can we expect?

Joe: Derek and Ryan have been working on a few new songs. It's going to be a slow and steady process. I think the new record will have a lot more rock n' roll influence to it than the EP. I'm pretty excited about it.

ScenePointBlank: What have you been listening to lately?

Joe: Jawbreaker, Lifetime, Redemption 87, Black Sabbath, Doomriders, 4 Walls Falling, and Unbroken.

ScenePointBlank: Any last words?

Joe: Sorry this took so long to complete! I love you, Zed!

Fortunate Son official site

Interview by Zed

Graphics by Matt

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