Feature / Interviews / Fest 12

Words: Loren • November 11, 2013


Audacity just released a new record, Butter Knife, on Suicide Squeeze this fall, following last year’s Mellow Cruisers (Recess Records). The band first formed when members Kyle and Matt were just 14 years-old and they’ve been playing garage rock with a pop sheen ever since. Scene Point Blank contacted bassist Cameron Crowe over email (at fat camp??) about the band’s musical maturation, genre labels and, of course, about Fest 12. We even got one or two serious answers.

Scene Point Blank: First off, are you “Audacity” or “The Audacity”? I see both listed and your facebook used “the,” though I realize that could be due to other bands with the same name.

Cameron Crowe: That’s a great question. On Facebook we are The Audacity, on twitter we are @audacityca. On our records we’re both. Were both.

Scene Point Blank: Has being in the band gotten easier now that all of you are over 21 in terms of logistics, booking shows, etc? Where did you play in the early days?

Cameron Crowe: Things get easier, but things get harder with age. It’s easier because we can play bars now, it’s harder ‘cause we drink more and are fatter, which is why we are here in fat camp in North Orange County. Our booker tricked us into fat camp.

"Here’s a tour highlight: a guy had a tattoo on his dick and showed us outside a bar."

Scene Point Blank: In another interview you said you were “making garbage until 2005.” What is the oldest song you still play? How much of the pre-2005 era is available on records?

Cameron Crowe: We wrote a lot of Garbage’s hits, such as "Only Happy When It Rains," "I’m Just a Girl," and all of the Donnas songs!

“Mode” and “Teenage Town.” “Rama Donna” is also very, very old and we still play it.

(Editor’s note: only one of the above was by Garbage.)

Scene Point Blank: You have a new record soon. How did you get involved with Suicide Squeeze?

Cameron Crowe: It’s coming out October 29th. True story: I was taking a shit at my grandma’s house and David, owner of Suicide Squeeze Records, emailed me asking to put out our record. It’s fate!

Scene Point Blank: Burger Records was started out by friends. Was it hard to leave the label?

Cameron Crowe: We're still great buddies and we all cried but it was the right thing to do. Tape coming soon on Burger!

Scene Point Blank: It’s looks like you were one-and-done at Recess. How was your experience with the label?

Cameron Crowe: He touched us in bad places.

Scene Point Blank: Slop pop, power punk, etc. I see a lot of hyphens when writers describe your sound. How do you describe it when people ask?

Cameron Crowe: Rock.


Scene Point Blank: Do you have any thoughts or opinions on all of the subgenres being named these days?

Cameron Crowe: It’s also happening with food, like French-Japanese fusion food. It’s just the evolution of music. Jazz has all these different subgenres such as be-bop or big band, Latin jazz…it’s the evolution of rock ‘n’ roll.

Scene Point Blank: I caught you on the Big Eyes tour (in Minneapolis with Treasure Fleet). How was that tour? What was a highlight?

Cameron Crowe: That show was great with Frozen Teens—they rule—Treasure fleet rules. Here’s a highlight: a guy had a tattoo on his dick and showed us outside Hexagon bar.

Scene Point Blank: Did he just approach you and say, “Want to see my dong?”

Cameron Crowe: This guy was outside smoking with a group of friends. It seemed very casual at the time, like showing a friend your new tattoo but it was on his dong dong.

Scene Point Blank: You played SXSW this year. What is your experience with festivals?

Cameron Crowe: Great question. South by Southwest is the fest that’s way too crazy every year but it’s always the funnest by far. We associate being in Austin with being at Dave’s house. Kyle and Thomas just texted him. He’s playing in Pedro in a week. They’re looking for a show on Thursday, maybe they can play at Burger...

[Anyway], we always have a great time at festivals and make sure to stay hydrated.

Scene Point Blank: Have you played The Fest before?

Cameron Crowe: No, but we love Florida!

Scene Point Blank: What are your expectations? Are there any must-see acts for you?

Cameron Crowe: F.Y.P, Toys That Kill, Underground Railroad to Candyland, Mean Jeans, Post Teens, Wet Nurse, White Lung, Lovely Bad Things, and Too Many Daves.

Scene Point Blank: Have you been to Gainesville before? What are your memories?

Cameron Crowe: Yes, we were here about a year ago. We stayed up late in backyard talking to people about Mike Ness. And we watched Eddie Murphy live!

Scene Point Blank: Anything you’d like to add?

Cameron Crowe: Great question!

Loren • November 11, 2013


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