Hello. Some of you might remember (or have participated in) my experiment over the summer collecting people's wishes on this page. I got over 160 entries and published them all in my print zine, "I'M A PRETENDER" (named after an Exploding Hearts song). This is what issue 2 looks like, and you can see the cover here.
The zine is a 24 page black and white A5-sized booklet that I write and design myself. Issue #1 was mainly 'creative writing' stuff (mostly short fiction and poetry); issue #2 has a wider mix of stuff and is hopefully a little funnier and more entertaining to read. The centrepoint of the issue is the Wishes project and the results, but as well as that there are such features as "My top 5 biggest social anxieties", "4 people you have never heard of", a modern-day retelling of the Viking armageddon story (Ragnarok) and perhaps the only zine columnist who happens to be an eagle. "How can I get my hands on this zine, Matt?!" I hear you cry. "Well", I answer confidently, "Pick an option from the list below:"
UK people
* Message me your address and I'll mail you a copy. Simple!
* If you fancy posting me a self-addressed envelope with a stamp on it, that would be nice, since I don't charge for the zine and don't include any ads, so I make a loss printing it.
Non-UK people
* Paypal me around $4 USD (or whatever your currency is). That's steeper than usual due to the crappy exchange rate and the pricey £2 I have to pay for international delivery, but I can't afford to mail it out myself (see above!).
* [email protected] is my Paypal address.
* Alternatively, if you wanna do a zine trade or something I'd be down for this. Email me, same address as above.
Some useful links:
- my deviantART page (with content from issue #1)
- I'M A PRETENDER Myspace Profile