The Dwarves @ The Bald Faced Stag Hotel
Sydney, AUS
October 8, 2015
Parramatta Road is the east-west artery of metropolitan Sydney. On its 23 kilometers long strip, the road is filled with pubs, shops, car yards and over 100 abandoned and derelict stores. Owing to this and its abrasively noisy traffic, it has rarely been considered beautiful. A local mayor described it as a "varicose vein." Former New South Wales premier Nick Greiner thought the road looked "like Beirut on a bad day." On a lighter note, Tess De Quincey, an Australian performer/director attested that "every chapter of Sydney's history has been written on Parramatta Road."
Not sure if the Dwarves’ show will find its place in the annals of Sydney’s history, but the place where Blag Dahlia and his comrades held court that night was the The Bald Faced Stag Hotel, one of the oldest pubs in Sydney, situated right there. HeWhoCannotBeFoundOnStage - neither a jock strap, nor a wrestling mask was to be seen that night. “Julius Seizure” and co. delivered though with their ongoing crusade against what is commonly referred to as good taste: Eclectic punk rock with an ear for melodies and lyrical content pervaded by what was accurately described by the title of their Sub Pop debut from 1990. While the bouncers tried their utmost to prevent young and hopefuls from entering and leaping off stage, it was Dahlia’s chosen means to exit the venue. Joyce Manor would not have approved.
Words: T, "era vulgaris"